
This website is intended to educate and bring awareness to healthcare professionals and general public on a conditions that affects around 15,000 Irish people  - Lymphoedema.

This idea was developed by Deborah Fernandes who is working with Lymphoedema patients for over 20 years.

Here is a bit more about Deborah and the training and qualifications as a Lymphoedema Therapist:

Deborah Fernandes is a Member of the Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapist and the Clinic Director of PhysioFit Woman. Deborah is a Leduc Manual Lymphatic Therapist and Lymphoedema Therapist. Although this specific method is given during University training, Deborah had the privilege of training directly with Professor Albert Leduc in 2004, 2009 and 2015 and is now the Representative of Leduc's Method Training for Ireland and UK. Her clinical Oncology Physiotherapy placement was held in the Portuguese Institute of Oncology, a reference Hospital in Portugal dedicated in providing cancer care since 1923.

During University training, Deborah had a brilliant Oncology Physiotherapist lecturer Mr. Nuno Duarte who is now the Physiotherapist Manager of the above hospital. Mr. Nuno Duarte also supervised Deborah's Mastectomy Physiotherapy volunteer apprenticeship in 1998 including Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Bandages, Pressotherapy and Mastectomy exercise classes. Mr. Nuno is also the representative of Leduc's Method in Portugal.

Deborah also holds specific post graduation training in Face and Body Aesthetics Physiotherapy (Functional Dermatology Physiotherapy) which is crucial for any breast reconstruction after a mastectomy.

In 2013 Deborah completed the Pink Ribbon Programme with its founder, Doreen Puglisi enhancing her own Physiotherapy-Pilates programme.

With 20 years of experience in Physiotherapy at International level and specific training in Oncology Rehabilitation, Deborah provides Physiotherapy for post-cancer surgery including breast reconstruction, Lymphoedema Rehabilitation and Pilates for post-breast cancer patients in her clinic Physiofit Woman in Sandyford.